Do YOU want to HELP Protest? Equality is Paramount. Unite Now!
Written by admin on 16 January 2021
There have been many protests around the World as we know it… George Floyd’s death has set the World stage ablaze in order to be heard and to acknowledge the systemic bias and racism in the fabric. Across social media for the most part a majority understand the need for protests but for all the other cynics who think the UK is just mimicking the US.. Hold fire… We have similar issues that no doubt cause the same upset and anger even rage.
Biblical context:
The bible does express righteous anger as that is approved as even God demands justice for the “right standing” Matthew 21:12, shows Jesus flipping over tables at the sheer disrespect
Righteous anger doesn’t cause division or hurt someone, even if unintentionally, to prove you are right.
Righteous anger doesn’t refrain from self-control, rather it tries to speak the truth in love. Although we are called to speak the truth, we are to do so in gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15).
There is always a way of doing things to be heard, exposing the wrong in places like the Justice System to give people an understanding of the wrong is just one way…